#16-A Very Important and Informative Picture Book

This is a cute and hilarious picture book with an important message for kids. It is partly about having a negative attitude and how to overcome it.

So many kids keep saying no to everything. But once they see ho ridiculous it is from the outside, they can conquer such a negative viewpoint and mind-set.

Most kids are naturally positive and happy. In this book, Yaul, the main character, is always gloomy. Yaul represents kids who are on their worse behavior. But Yaul does come around to actually enjoy lie by the end of the story. And, YES, Yaul does start enjoying himself once and for all.

This book will be enjoyed by all kids ages 3 and up. It is a book that must be read and re-read by parents.

Rating: 5 Stars

Reviewed by: Irene S. Roth
Author and Editor

About adolescentgirlsblog

I am a freelance writer for adolescent girls. I love delving into the topics of self-esteem and self-confidence for girls. I find this writing really meaningful. This blog is devoted to girls and their issues.
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